Abang Long Fadil 2 (2017)
A story about Fadil who fall into mafia world led by Taji Samprit and his son Wak Doyok. An incident causes Inspector Wahab and Inspector Shuib to suspect Fadil as Tiger, a professional assassin. In the meantime Yana who is a reporter that has done coverage on Tiger’s assassination was stuck in the crisis that Fadil are facing. Though he is not a murderer, to solve the crisis Fadil lead the life as professional assassin and attack King Kong which is Taji Samprit’s partner in crime who turns to become his enemy. Actions and comedies happen in Fadil’s life as professional assassin in his way to clean his name and in finding Tiger’s true identity. Can Fadil face all the challenges in his life? Who is Tiger and what mystery lies behind all this while?
Genre: Action, Comedy, English, Malay, Subbed
Director: Syafiq Yusof
Actors: A. Galak, AC Mizal, Acey Bocey, Datuk AC Mizal, Shuib Sepah, Syamsul Yusof, Tania Hudson, Wak Doyok, Zizan Razak
Country: Malaysia
Update WEB-DL please
Dead link
Link Masih Berfungsi Boss 🙂
min tolong update link
link uptobox rosak admin
Done Update…Tq
Dead stream please fix
done update sir…tq
bodo punya website. apa pun tdak blh
best and full movie
kenapa x naik captcha punnn :'(
dia keluar dekat website keeplinks kan?
kamet ok jeee DL. Free and banyak link kat ctu.
Nak mintak movie J Revolusi boleh. TQ
dah dapat link…tapi still xleh download sebab kena bayar
Link almost ready….sampai kat situ jeee laaa der…..letih menunggu
Sama jeee…captcha dah solve tapi link habuk pun x deee
banyak sangat iklan.. sampai ada kena clik 2/3 kali baru dapat sebab nye klik je keluat tab baru iklan..
keluar yg lazada tu , then? xde pun skip ad
x boleh download
x boleh download and link x keluar
X dpt gak….bila klik get link kluar yg nak buat income tu
link x deee pun
Too many ads… when i click “get link” its just appear ads…. no download link… please fix this… i can give 2/10 only…
tak beleh nak donwload pun
asal kluar free shortening?
aku nak try
mana link nya???
ade link lain x x bole download la
Captcha : Video No Longer Available x lepas2 captcha
takde stream eh?
smua citer xleh download
kt captcha tu dye tulis “we are sorry the video is no longer available”????
Mcm mne nk downlod
Yang 1080p tu tak boleh isi captha masa dalam KeepSafe link tu sebab dia cakap media fail apa hentah.
mcmna ni?? mcm tipu jaa?
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aq x leh la
macam mana nak download. x dapat pn link or apa2.. or kena isi yang captcha tu jugk?
tak boleh tengok pon 🙁 camne nak download?
Cmne nk tgk?
saya suka