The last in a line of Chosen Ones, a wannabe chef teams up with a homicide detective to unravel an ancient mystery and take down supernatural assassins.
A hilarious sitcom about a witty food stall owner, a smooth-talking car wash operator, a cheeky nurse, and a doctor. Each episode tackles current issues with a comedic twist and…
Sepahtu Reunion kembali lagi dengan musim terbaru, Sepahtu Reunion Al Puasa 2023. Sepahtu Reunion Live tidak ditayangkan secara lansung (live) tetapi direkod secara live sebelum ditayangkan di kaca tv. Ahli…
Kisah Rosly Dhoby, Seorang Yang Mempunyai Keberanian Membunuh Residen British Yang Kedua,Sir Duncan Stewart George Dalam Tahun 1949 Untuk Menuntut Kemerdekaan Bagi Negerinya, Sarawak.
A brand-new season of stage comedy going on tour across central, south, north and east coast region to meet and greet Sepahtu fans. The nation’s most popular stage comedy troupe…
Bawang Putih lives with her stepmother and stepsister and is abused every day. Putih escapes and encounters the handsome Prince in the forest of Inderaloka.
A young woman witnessing black magic attack on her family which changes her view towards the world. Driven to protect them at any cost, the woman will go to the…
A comedy story, Stopa, who sells Nasi Dagang from Kelantan, and Daniel, who sells it from Terengganu, compete with one another using different strategies and ideas for their Nasi Dagang…
Kisah cinta tahun 1999 tentang sepasang remaja, Akim dan Mira yang saling mencintai namun diuji dengan pelbagai ranjau dan dugaan hanya kerana mereka adalah pasangan budak jahat dan pelajar bermasalah….
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