Mencari Sepahtu Yang Hilang (MSYH) is a new comedy talent search program to find a new generation of comedians to color the world of entertainment, especially the country’s comedy stage.
Bermula pada 14 Januari lalu, seramai enam pelawak popular tanah air berentap untuk merebut gelaran juara Bintang Bersama Bintang 2018 (BBB2018) yang bersiaran pada setiap Ahad pukul 10 malam. Pelawak-pelawak…
Trunks returns from the future to train with Goku and Vegeta. However, it disappears without warning. Then the mysterious Fu bursts in, telling them that Trunks has been imprisoned in…
In a dystopian 2071 devastated by air pollution, the survival of humanity depends on the Black Knights — and they’re far from your average delivery men.
Tired of being forced to be thin and constantly being matched for an arranged marriage, Ira decides to pretend to accept her mother’s offer to approach Marsel, the son of…
Bersama Jep, Shuib, Rahim dan Pak Ya, saksikan sketsa yang pasti membuat anda sekeluarga tidak kering gusi dengan lawak mereka. Siapakah ‘cameo’ yang bakal mengajutkan Sepahtu & penonton?