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Teluh Darah Season 1 Episode 1
Ever since receiving a mysterious “delivery,” Wulan’s family’s life is never the same again. Mr Bondan is terrorised by an invisible entity.
Serie: Teluh Darah
Ever since receiving a mysterious “delivery,” Wulan’s family’s life is never the same again. Mr Bondan is terrorised by an invisible entity.
Serie: Teluh Darah
min, boleh tak kalau sy nak request cerita² drama/movie yg min up, sertakan sekali dgn hardsub, tak kisah la sub malay atau indo pun, janji ada sub. tQ min!
Kami Tak Boleh Letak Hardsub,Sebab Kat Webstite Ni Bukan Orang Malaysia Je Yang Visit,
Lagipun Kebanyakan Orang Malaysia Xfaham Bahasa Indonesia,Majoriti Movie Kami Dah Sertakan Dengan Soft Sub 🙂