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KL Vampires (2019)

The story is about 2 groups of Vampires, one decedents of Raja Bersiong, who protects Humans and drinks only synthetic blood and another bad vampires which drinks human blood and wants to conquer the world. The Good Vampire kingdom is headed by Vampire queen named Ratu Chitra Sari (Raja Ilya) and her main commander Shah (Josiah Hogan). The antagonist is played by (Donny Alamsyah) as AGUS. Agus is son of Panglima Adi Wijaya who betrayed Raja Bersiong (Father of Ratu Chitra sari) who is the 1st Vampire king who grew fangs after drank human blood. 200 years ago, Raja bersiong Killed Adi Wijaya and grounded his blood thirst soldiers under the ground with a spell. The soldiers can only be awaken by the spell and the blood of Raja Bersiong or his decedents After 200 years on the eclipse , Adi Wijaya, wants to awaken Adi Wijaya’s soldiers and take revenge on Ratu Chitra sari and conquer the human world.


Quality: WEB-DL


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4 years ago

aslmkm admin.. boleh tolong update link baru x movie ni sbb link dia smua rosak admin.. trima ksh ya😁

Reply to  Mastar Ji
4 years ago

trima ksh bnyak2 ya admin terbaik admin😁😁👍👍

4 years ago

aslmkm admin.. saya nk tnya kenapa selalu sya pkai adm boleh ja kli ni x boleh bukak laman web ni.. sya terpaksa bukak pkai uc brower.. slalu bleh ja sya pkai adm sbb sya download pkai adm sbb lju ni sya nk bukak laman web ni kena pkai uc brower kenapa admin ya.. link web ni problem ka??

Reply to  FAIZWAN
4 years ago

Wassalam. Boleh guna domain baru kami,

4 years ago

aslmkm admin.. movie ni xleh download mntak admin tlong update ya.. trima ksh☺️