Wira (2019)
It a story based on an ex-military force character, Hassan (Hairul Azreen) that left his family since he was younger. He became military man to overcome his demon and to get away from the injustice towards his family and community committed by Raja (Dain Iskandar). After his stint in the army Hassan returns to help out his family and settle a debt owed by his sister Zain (Fify Azmi) in a MMA match. Hassan and Zain had to do a rematch with Vee (Ismi Melinda) and Rayyan (Josiah Hogan) who is Raja’s children. Can they beat the odds and would Hassan be able to save his family and community?
Director: Adrian Teh
Actors: Dain Iskandar Said, Fify Azmi, Hairul Azreen, Henley Hii, Hilal Azman, Ismi Melinda, Josiah Hogan
Country: Malaysia
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Hi ijad, saya bukan najwa.
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Thanks min! Tp cam ade potong skit la.. Tp ok la.. Terbaik
the best movie